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If you're a coffee enthusiast, then you must have heard of El Salvador coffee at least once in your life. Known for its unique taste, rich history, and high-quality beans, this country's coffee is a must-try for any coffee lover.

Join us on a journey through the mountains of El Salvador, a small country in Central America, to discover the secrets of their coffee culture. Get ready to have a brew-tiful day!

El Salvador Coffee

1. The History

Coffee is not just a morning pick-me-up but also a cultural phenomenon, and El Salvador coffee is no exception. Coffee has been a part of El Salvador's history since the early 1800s when it first arrived from Ethiopia.

The country's first coffee exports were shipped in the mid-1800s to Europe and the United States.  Since then, it has become an essential part of the country's culture and economy. El Salvador has become a major coffee exporter, producing over 2.5 million bags of coffee beans each year.

Home to some of the world's best coffee beans, El Salvador takes pride in producing premium quality coffee that is exported globally.

2. The Coffee Beans

El Salvador Coffee Beans - The coffee beans of El Salvador are known for their unique flavors, attributed to the soil and climate in which they grow. The country produces Arabica beans, which are known for their low acidity, sweet wild flower taste, and subtle earthy flavors.

There are three main types of coffee beans grown in El Salvador: Bourbon, Pacamara, and Catuai.

  • The Bourbon is known for its sweet, nutty flavor with a hint of chocolate.
  • The Pacamara is a larger bean with a fruity taste and low acidity, making it perfect for a bold espresso.
  • The Catuai is a bean with more acid, giving it a bright, citrus taste.

3. The Coffee Taste

El Salvador coffee is loved for its balanced and smooth taste, with a bright acidity and nutty undertones. It has a light to medium body with a sweet finish.

The different bean varieties produce their unique taste and aroma, ranging from nutty, fruity, and floral to chocolatey, spicy, and earthy. When prepared correctly, it can develop floral and fruity notes, such as apricot or blackcurrant.

The combination of the beans' origin and roasting technique creates a unique taste that is unparalleled across the coffee industry.

4. The Brewing Methods

El Salvador coffee can be brewed using a variety of methods. The most popular methods include the French Press, Drip Coffee Maker, and Pour Over.

  • The French Press is a great way to get the most out of your beans, retaining all of their flavor and complexity.
  • Drip Coffee is great for those who want a quick and simple method to brew their coffee.
  • The Pour Over method is perfect for those who want to take their time and experiment with different water temperatures for the perfect cup of coffee.
  • Espresso is also a great way to enjoy El Salvador coffee, with its bold and intense flavor.

5. The Coffee Drinks

El Salvador coffee is versatile and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Some common drinks to try are:

  • Classic Espresso: a concentrated shot of espresso with a smooth and full body.
  • Cappuccino: espresso mixed with equal parts steamed milk and foam.
  • Cortado: a shot of espresso with a small amount of milk.
  • Cafe con leche: a classic coffee and milk drink that can be enjoyed hot or cold.
  • Cafe de huevo: a sweet, milky coffee beverage made with eggs and sugar.
  • Cafe de olla: a traditional Latin American coffee made with cinnamon and spices. It's brewed in a clay pot and served with panela or piloncillo.
  • Pour-over: a popular way to enjoy El Salvador coffee is as a pour-over. Simply pour hot water over a filter filled with ground coffee beans and let the water extract the flavor.

This pour over method is the way the locals prepared us delicious black coffee, served in straight glasses. The beans had been freshly picked across the street, and both roasted and ground, on the shore of El Salvador's beautiful Lago de Llopango.

How To Make El Salvador Coffee

The key to making the perfect cup of El Salvador coffee lies in the beans and the brewing method.


  • 2 tablespoons (28 g) of freshly ground El Salvador coffee
  • 10 ounces (300 g) of hot water
  • Optional: cream, sugar, milk, vanilla to taste


  1. Start by selecting high-quality beans. Look for beans that are roasted within the past two weeks and have a light-medium roasted to properly taste the flavor profile.
  2. Grind your beans to the texture of sea salt.
  3. Choose a brewing method that suits your taste, such as the French press or pour-over. The ideal ratio for a pour-over is one part coffee to two parts water.
  4. Pour the water temperature between 195°F to 205°F into the coffee grounds and stir.
  5. Wait for 4-5 minutes. Let the aromatic flavors and the caffeine magic begin.
  6. Pour your freshly brewed cup of El Salvador coffee and enjoy!

Tips & Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to get the best out of your El Salvador coffee beans:

  • Use fresh filtered water for better-tasting coffee.
  • Experiment with different grinds and brewing methods to find your favorite flavor!
  • Add a pinch of salt to your coffee grounds to reduce bitterness.
  • Use a thermometer to ensure the right water temperature when brewing.
  • Don't over brew your coffee as it can become bitter and acidic.
  • For a sweeter taste, try adding a touch of condensed milk.
  • Add a few drops of vanilla extract for a unique and delicious twist.
  • For a cold cup of coffee, let your brew cool completely and add ice cubes.
Fellow's Take on the Tour of El Salvador Set from Red Rooster Coffee | Pour-Over Brew Guide

With the perfect balance of acidity, sweetness, and body, El Salvador coffee is sure to please any coffee connoisseur.

Need a quality pour-over coffee maker? Check out our best pick below!

Brew yourself a cup of El Salvador coffee and savor the rich, nutty taste. With a little flavor and experimentation, you can discover the perfect cup of El Salvador coffee for your palate. Cheers!

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